Subjects in Our Timetable

 The school activities are organized according to essential mandatory curriculum (Italian, mathematics, history, geography, science, English, science, art, motor), which provides prescriptive objectives; the integrating curriculum (various projects and research); workshop activities. In classes at normal time (30 hours per week) begins teaching at 8.20 and closed at 12.50.There is one return afternoon during the week from 14.00 hours to 17.00 hours. Pupils have the opportunity to benefit from the school canteen.
In classes full-time (40 hours per week) begins teaching at 8.30 and closed at 16.30. The free day is Saturday. The canteen service is considered an integral part of the school day .
Both classes in normal time and in full-time is a recreation break in mid-morning

Pupils of class I A-B ” Plan Regulator” describe in this way their subject in the timetable



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